Congratulations on purchasing the Nice2Have Button Maker Machine! You're all set to bring your creative designs to life, whether pin-back buttons, bottle openers, fridge magnet buttons, or keychains. To get started, we're here to guide you through the easy steps of using the Nice2Have Button Maker Machine with our instructional videos.
Watch Our Instructional Videos (Available in English and Spanish)
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For English versions, keep on browsing this page:
Machine Variations
Before diving into the video tutorials, it's important to note that we offer two types of machines:
1) 2.25 in (58mm) - Rotating Button Maker Machine
2) Multi-Mold (Interchangeable) Sliding Button Maker Machine
This page contains specific videos for each machine type. However, please review five essential tips before watching to ensure your button-making experience succeeds.
Seven Critical Things to Know Before Getting Started
1) CORRECT PEG POSITIONING WHILE INSTALLING THE MOLDS (ONLY FOR MULTI-MOLD MACHINES): The upper mold peg should stay between the lower mold pegs after installation. If installed incorrectly, and the upper mold peg isn’t positioned between the lower mold pegs, the machine can’t make proper buttons.
2) MULTI-MYLAR USAGE (STEP ONE): Mylar is incredibly thin, so it's easy to use more than one layer accidentally. Run your thumb over the mylar surface while holding it to avoid this. Sometimes, it may appear as though you only have one layer when, in fact, there are multiple. Otherwise, it may cause problems connecting the buttons' back and front parts.
3) PLACING THE CORRECT FACE TO THE MOLD - THE BACKSIDE (STEP THREE): Some users inadvertently place the wrong face of the pin onto the machine, resulting in unsuccessful button-making attempts. We've provided a clear picture of the correct pin face below.

4) FAILING TO PRESS THE HANDLE WITH ENOUGH FORCE AND NOT WAITING FOR 3-4 SECONDS WHEN CONNECTING THE FRONT AND THE BACK (STEP FOUR): One of the most common reasons for button-making failure is inadequate force when pressing the handle at the final step while connecting the pins' back and the front side. In contrast to the first step, where you press the metal cover, picture, and mylar (as shown in the left image and second step of the operating manual), you must ensure that the molds are firmly attached to each other and fully closed, and wait for 3-4 seconds to plastic film(mylar) to get in shape (as illustrated in the image on the right). You can observe a difference in the distance between the handle and the body between the two steps.

5) CHECKING THE BOLTS IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM CONNECTING THE BACK AND THE FRONT: Sometimes, loose bolts on the molds may cause a problem connecting the pins' back and front faces. Please tighten the bolts on the molds with the Allen key on your set if you still have a problem connecting the faces on step four of the operating manual, even if you used sufficient force.
6) USING PIN BUTTON WITH METAL BACK & KEY POINTS WHILE MAKING FRIDGE MAGNET BUTTONS: When using a 2.25-in (58mm) pin button with a metal back or a fridge magnet button, you should put a gasket into the mold before putting the button’s back into the mold. A gasket is unnecessary for smaller sizes like 1-in (25mm) and 1.25-in (32mm), even for metal-back pins. Also, there is no need to use a gasket while making bottle opener buttons. (regardless of its size)
7) PAPER THICKNESS: Regular copy papers and papers on the set work fine with the machine. If you want to use special papers like photo grade, please use one with a thickness range of 120gsm to 150 gsm. (Thickers will cause a jam)
By following these essential tips and watching our instructional videos, you'll be on your way to creating fantastic pin-back buttons, bottle openers, fridge magnets, and keychains with your Nice2Have Button Maker Machine. Happy crafting!
Olá, parabéns pela apresentação do produto. Aqui no Brasil o que sai são os bottons de 25mm e 37mm. Espero ter dado um informação relevante pra vcs. Mais uma vez parabéns!